Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Holiday Coping Tips

As we enter the winter holiday season, the excitment builds - time with family and friend, gift giving and receiving, good food, and, of course, time away from school. While many students look forward to the holidays, there are some who dread the season because of the accompanying stress. Just as adults feel stress when "change" enters their life, children can experience difficulty adjusting to the many changes that accompany the holidays. Children need to be taught how to adjust to the different daily schedule and the rush of new people in their environment.

There are many resources to learn ways to help students cope with the holiday rush.

The Mayo Clinic - Stress, depression and the holidays: 12 tips for coping
Psych Central - Nine Ways to Beat the Bah-Humbugs
Psych Central - Holiday Coping Tips
American Psychological Association - Coping with Holiday Stress
Coping with the Holidays After a Death of a Loved One

If you or someone you care about needs help working through the stress associated with the holidays, please seek out a counselor. We are available to help, and can refer to outside agencies if additional help is needed.

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