Thursday, December 6, 2007

Anger Management Strategies

We see lots of students who have a difficult time managing their reaction to their emotions, particularly anger. It is natural and healthy to experience and express anger. However, many students have not learned how to express their anger acceptably.

Here are some strategies for expressing anger:
  1. Relax before reacting. Think about the situation. Breathe deeply, from your gut. Count to 10.
  2. Don't jump to conclusions. Improve your communication skills so that you know you understand the other person before you react.
  3. Move. Go for a walk. Leave the room (with permission if you are at school). Do something creative, like paint or play your musical instrument.
  4. Talk to someone who is not in the situation, like a counselor or a friend to sort out your feelings.
  5. Script a response. Having this written out can keep you from saying something you do not mean or that you would regret.
American Psychological Association - Controlling Anger Before it Controls You
Mayo Clinic - Anger Management

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