Friday, October 5, 2007

SAT Tips

Be well-rested and ready to go. Get a good night’s sleep before the test.

Eat Breakfast. You will be at the test center for several hours and are likely to get hungry.

Don’t forget your Photo ID and SAT Admission ticket.

Bring two No. 2 pencils and a good eraser. Mechanical pencils and pens are not allowed.

Bring a calculator and a set of fresh batteries.

Bring snacks. You will get a short break at the end of each hour of testing time. You can eat or drink any snacks that you have brought during these breaks. The snacks must be in sealed containers and cannot be consumed during testing.

Arrive at your test center no later than 7:45. They will not wait for you to arrive to begin testing. If they begin before you enter the site, you will not be allowed to take the test and you will not get your money back. Testing should be completed between 12:30 and 1:00 PM.

Cell phones, ipods and other electronic devices are not permitted in the testing center. Having such a device during testing will invalidate your test.

Also, be sure to answer carefully. Negative points are given for incorrect answers on the SAT.

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